Ocoa Blog

  • 2023: A Year of Unforgettable Milestones for Our Sisterhood

    2023: A Year of Unforgettable Milestones for Our Sisterhood

    As we bid farewell to another incredible year, we're taking a moment to celebrate the wonderful milestones that made 2023 so special for our sisterhood. We kicked off the year with a bang, introducing our rebrand and our new Curl...

  • Supporting National Women's Small Business Month

    Supporting National Women's Small Business Month

    October is about celebrating the strength and resilience of women entrepreneurs. We're thrilled to honor National Women's Small Business Month. As small business owners we know firsthand the determination and passion it takes to build a brand. So, let's dive into...

  • Celebrating Women’s History Month

    Celebrating Women’s History Month

    As a women-owned business we celebrate Women’s History Month throughout March and beyond. This year it is extra special to share more about the talented group of women, our hermanas (sisters), who helped us bring Ocoa to life.  It takes...

  • The 3 biggest lessons learned in our first year in business

    The 3 biggest lessons learned in our first year in business

    March 2022, we celebrated our first anniversary, and we welcomed a new season for our brand. Yes, having a business plan helps when you start a business. But nothing prepares you more than living through the experiences. We gained an amazing organic community and are grateful for the valuable lessons learned.