The 3 biggest lessons learned in our first year in business

Starting a business is the scariest and most exciting thing we’ve done as sisters. After college we always talked about starting our own business. But we didn't know it would end up being so personal. We talked about starting a bridal shop, events venue and even a credit union (shocker). But our curls, the one trait we hated growing up, ended up being the change we needed to love ourselves and see our hair as our superpower. From there, it was the business idea we followed. It shows that when you are passionate and driven about a project the path will open up for you to pursue it. Hair care goes beyond products for us, it’s personal, and we thank you, our familia, for being on this journey with us.

March 2022, we celebrated our first anniversary, and we welcomed a new season for our brand. Yes, having a business plan helps when you start a business. But nothing prepares you more than living through the experiences. We gained an amazing organic community and are grateful for the valuable lessons learned.

Invest in yourself: the foundation will pay dividends

As a self-funded business, we have built this brand with a lot of sweat equity. During this experience one thing we learned to value was investing in the foundation to see it flourish. Writing down your mission, pillars and goals are so important so you can have a roadmap to get you to the next step. We are grateful to have met amazing mentors who guided us to take the leap of faith and invest in our brand to see it grow.

Timing matters: everything happens for a reason (Be patient)

Our journey started in 2018 and it took us three years to see our vision come to life. We know now that the experience prepared us to get to this point. Like everything in life, it takes time to find your “why” and the motivation to help others will fuel you to keep going. We are proud to have spent the time to create products we can be proud to share with curly women who deserve better. To this day, we continue to work on getting better, improving so we can provide the best products to you, our familia.

It’s ok to pivot: change brings opportunity

Our initial plan when we started our brand was to launch with a full collection. External factors such as the pandemic and manufacturing changes made us rethink our plan. In March of 2021, we launched with one product our Ultra-Defined Curls Leave-in. We were scared but so glad the change and challenges gave us an opportunity to learn. They helped us find amazing partners to develop great products and share our vision. The extra time gave us the opportunity to focus on quality products our community would love. Some experiences may seem like a roadblock, but if you use it as an opportunity to do things differently, you may surprise yourself. It may be a sign from the universe to make things even better.

These life lessons have changed our personal and professional lives. We have amazing plans we will be sharing soon and are excited to bring new things to our community. We're committed to changing how curly hair products are designed, formulated and how they make you feel. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Feeling inspired? Let us know in the comments. What are some lessons you are taking as opportunities to grow?

Are you looking for hydrating and moisturizing products to help you get started on your curly hair journey? Order your free Ocoa samples. * If you are a new customer use code FREE.


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