Three lessons from our mid-year reflection

Curly Verano is here, hermanas! We are so thrilled to welcome the summer season, warm air, longer sunny days and all the joyful activities that this time brings. June also reminds us to take time aside to check in with ourselves and our goals. We have made it halfway through 2023 and want to take time to reflect on the first six months of the year including our relaunch! 

This year we set out to have an intentional year after we unveiled our rebirth to OCOA in March. There have been many lessons that have grounded us and motivated us to keep going. We’ve had to pivot on many things since launch day and have also participated in programs we couldn’t have imagined joining at the early onset of 2023.

There are three main lessons we want to share with you. Keep in mind these also apply to the hair journey we embark on every day, hermanas. 

Enjoy the journey - Every season is a new opportunity for us to revisit the journey. We encourage you to not focus on reaching the destination, remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Instead focus your attention on the daily moments of the journey. Your hair is the doorway to loving who you were born to be. Take each day as a moment to learn what works for your hair and what doesn’t. Trying new hairstyles can be a great way to help you maximize your time during the summer season.

Slow and steady - The beginning of the year we worked diligently behind the scenes to bring our rebrand to fruition. Hermanas it’s ok to take time to reset and start over. You will not be starting from scratch because you’re equipped with knowledge from the first go around. Starting on your hair journey or a new project can seem daunting at first but remember you don’t have to overhaul everything at once. It took us 15 months to complete our rebrand. Consistency is key. Just remember to take it one step at a time. 

Document your wins (big or small) - We are still working on this final lesson but using this to remind you to always document your wins. No matter how small they may seem. Sometimes we forget that we are living the exact experience we once daydreamed about (CRAZY). For us, completing our rebrand was a dream come true. Remember to take time aside to reflect on the small moments that add up to your big dreams. 

We are truly honored to be part of your hair care journey and cannot thank you all enough for being part of our growing sisterhood. We appreciate your love and support, hermanas.

Stay tuned for what’s coming to OCOA with our #CurlyVerano series kicking off this month. 

Are you looking for hydrating and moisturizing products to help you get started on your curly hair journey? Order your free Ocoa samples. * If you are a new customer use code GRATIS at checkout.

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