4 Reasons to Avoid Coconut Oil for Curly Hair

Hey hermanas, we all love natural ingredients, but not every popular choice works well for curly hair. Did you know coconut oil is one of those ingredients? Coconut oil, often hailed as a miracle product, might not be the best fit for our curls. 

Since we co-developed all our formulas, we went beyond removing silicones, sulfates and parabens from our products. This is why we created our own NADA (nothing) list. Our NADA list is comprised of common hair care ingredients that aren't good for our curls, and we never use.

Let’s dive into why we say no to coconut oil in our formulations:

  1. Protein Overload: Coconut oil is known for its protein-binding properties. While some protein is essential for hair health, too much can lead to protein overload, making your curls feel stiff, brittle, and prone to breakage. Curly hair needs a delicate balance of moisture and protein, and coconut oil can tip that balance, leaving your curls less flexible and more fragile. 
  2. Heavy and Greasy: Coconut oil is quite heavy and can easily weigh down your curls, especially if you have fine or low-porosity hair. This can lead to limp, greasy-looking curls that lack the bounce and volume we all love. It can also create a barrier that makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate, leaving your curls feeling dry and thirsty despite the oil's presence.
  3. Build-Up Issues: Due to its thick consistency, coconut oil can build up on your hair and scalp over time. This buildup can attract dirt and other residues, clogging hair follicles and potentially leading to scalp issues. Regular use of coconut oil might leave you needing frequent clarifying treatments, which can strip your curls of their natural oils and cause further dryness and damage.
  4. Not Suitable for All Hair Types: Coconut oil doesn’t work well for everyone, particularly those with protein-sensitive hair or coconut sensitivities. It can lead to an imbalance in the moisture-protein ratio, causing more harm than good. Each curl type has unique needs, and what works wonders for one person might not be suitable for another. Watch our hermana, Barbie, explain in detail in this video.

While coconut oil has its benefits, it's essential to understand your hair's unique needs and choose products that truly nourish and protect your curls. Opt for lighter oils like argan, avocado, or sunflower seed oil, which we use in our formulations and provide moisture without the downsides of coconut oil.

Here's to healthy, happy and gorgeous curls!

Are you looking for hydrating and moisturizing products to help you get started on your curly hair journey? Order your free Ocoa samples. If you are a new customer use code GRATIS at checkout.

1 comment

  • Thank you, thank you for this post!!!
    I finally find a company that understands.
    I have experienced all the problems you mention
    in this article. Fortunate for my hair; I did figure this out
    several years ago.
    But, to try and find hair products without coconut or shea butter is
    defiantly a challenge!
    So thanks again for giving us an alternative.

    Jakki on

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